Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Birthday to Carol’s Blog!

Nearly one year ago today, I posted my first blog post to Carol’s Blog. Interestingly, because 2008 was a leap year and the first post was on February 29th, maybe I can’t officially have an anniversary for 3 more years – but I figure today was close enough! I’ve had a lot of fun over the last year writing for such a wonderful audience. It’s been very interesting to read the comments that you post, so keep them coming – you guys have been great!

So, I thought I’d take look back through all of the posts from the last year (all 60 of them) and choose what I think were the Top 10 Posts. Drum roll, please:

  1. New – This post announced the launch of the redesigned We worked really hard to update the site with new graphics and an updated look and really appreciated all of your feedback.

  2. Another National Day – Also known as “The Toilet Paper” post, your numerous comments revealed that controversy on “over” vs. “under” is very common in a lot of our homes.

  3. “N’yuk-n’yuk-n’yuk!” – Many of you enjoyed reminiscing with me about this classic TV show.

  4. Remembrance – A day so many will never forget. I remember exactly where I was and who told me what had happened as the country learned of this tragedy.

  5. Combating High Gas Prices – As more of us began to feel the effects of the economic downturn, we all shared some suggestions on how to save money at the pump. Unfortunately, higher prices and unemployment have continued to affect us more and more, making these tips something we all might want to look at again.

  6. For the Birds – This post was from earlier this week but received a lot of comments from fellow bird and wildlife lovers. I officially have a case of Spring Fever after seeing a flock of robins outside my window yesterday.

  7. Managing My Time Better – Sometimes it seems as is life is never going to slow down! Some useful ideas for organizing your life were presented in this post and the comments.

  8. TV Dinners – Considered a treat for many of us as we were growing up, frozen meals have come a long way!

  9. The Power of Duct Tape! – Its versatility unmatched, this adhesive tape developed during WWII has many practical and creative uses.

  10. Happy Anniversary G.I. Joe! - Many of you (or your brothers) played endlessly with G.I. Joe as a child. I was especially moved by Anthony’s comment telling about his Uncle Joe – he sounds like a great man.

Thanks again to everyone who commented on this blog over the past year or anyone who took the time to read them – it’s been a lot of fun!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

For the Birds

In 1994, Congress proclaimed February to be National Bird Feeding Month. This observance was established because wintertime is one of the most difficult periods in much of the U.S. for birds to survive in the wild. Birds spend the majority of their waking hours searching for food, and may use up 10-15% of their total body weight in an effort to stay warm overnight. So providing birdseed on a regular basis may give our feathered friends that needed extra food to survive.Feeding wild birds in your backyard is an easy and inexpensive hobby to start. It’s a great way to relieve stress and wintertime boredom, plus it’s something that the entire family will enjoy -- especially children. I, for one, love the liveliness and splash of color the birds add to our yard with their presence. Just watching them through my window definitely brightens up my day.

For more details on how to get started, take a look at any of the links I’ve provided (below). Or, you can visit your local hardware store and ask them for information; they should be able to tell you what type of seed you need for the birds indigenous to your particular area.
Wild Bird Centers of America
February is Bird Feeding Month
Project Feeder Watch
It's So Easy to Garden for Wildlife
Wild Bird Food

So, are there any bird-lovers out there? Do any of you feed the birds in your backyard?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary G.I. Joe!

This month celebrates the 45th anniversary of one of America’s favorite toys: the G.I. Joe action figure. Originally introduced by Hasbro in 1964 as the first mass-market doll for boys, G.I. Joes have displayed some incredible staying-power (not an easy accomplishment in the toy industry), spawning a number of animated TV shows and films, comics, video games and other merchandise along the way. There’s also a live-action movie set to be released this year!

One bit of trivia that I found interesting was that the figure’s name came actually from an Academy Award-nominated film called The Story of G.I. Joe (1945), starring Robert Mitchum and Burgess Meredith. I was also amazed to discover just how many G.I. Joe collectors and fans there are all over the world. For more on the history of this beloved action figure, check out some of these links I’ve included:

GI Joe Official Site
The Official G.I. Joe Collectors' Club!
The Ultimate Collection of G.I. Joe Websites
Yo Joe!
GI Joe Adventure Team Page

While I myself don’t have much experience playing with G.I. Joes, I can say I’m rather familiar with them. I can recall (on a number of occasions) finding the boys in our family playing under a front porch or digging in the dirt around a tree, acting out battles and Recon Missions with their beloved action figures. They always looked like they were having so much fun!

So how about you guys? Any G.I. Joe stories or memories you’d like to share? If so, feel free to respond in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

When I think Valentine's Day, I think - chocolate! Yes, I know Valentine's Day is really about showing your love to those you care about, but with the abundance of chocolate this time of year, I just can’t help myself. Turns out, chocolate is good for your health.

Chocolate has been around for centuries with the Mesoamerican cultures of Mexico and Central America making cacao beans into a drink. However, it was the Europeans who began making chocolate into something more edible by adding sugar. It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that chocolate became mass produced and affordable for everyone.

Here’s some more information about the history of chocolate, recipes and fun events:
Cocoa and Chocolate Timeline
Godiva Chocolate Recipes
Food Network Chocolate Recipes
Chocolate Covered February in Hershey PA

How about you – are you a chocolate lover like me? Tell us about it!

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