Once in a blue moon we celebrate New Year’s during a blue moon. A blue moon is simply the second full moon in a given month, not the color of the moon. It only happens on New Year’s Eve every 20 years or so. Only the Western Hemisphere will observe the blue moon, those in the Eastern Hemisphere will be able to see a partial lunar eclipse on New Year’s Eve.
This time of year I like to look back at the year in review. Here are some of my favorite lists for 2009:
50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME
20 best movies of 2009 - CNN.com
Amazon.com: The Best Songs of 2009
Yahoo! Year in Review 2009
And as the first decade of the 21st century comes to a close, there’s much to look back on.
Looking back at the past 10 years - USATODAY.com
Decade in Review - Newsweek 2010
The Decade in Review - WSJ.com
Tell us – what are your favorite moments from the past year or decade. Like others, are you ready to see this decade come to a close?
Thank you for your participation this past year. Wishing you all very happy and peaceful New Year!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays … and a Happy New Year, too!
In the midst of all the rushing around and general madness that takes place this time of year, I would just like to take this opportunity to wish you and all of your loved ones a very safe and happy holiday season!
Soon the holidays will be over and we’ll be turning our attention to the arrival of another year. This new beginning presents the opportunity for all of us to start over… it’s a chance for all of us to have a “clean slate.” Whatever your New Year’s resolutions for 2010 may be, we wish you great success in all that you do!
And since we’re on the topic of setting goals and making resolutions for the New Year, I thought I would put together a handful of links to help you plan, and more importantly, maintain those resolutions in order to help you achieve the success you desire.
New Year's Resolution Guide
Goal-Setting Tips
Popular New Year's Resolutions
Tips for Keeping New Year's Resolutions
Goal Setting Theory
Have a safe, healthy and happy New Year! See all of you in 2010!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Call for Photos
MySurvey.com is once again calling for photos for our annual New Year’s Greeting card. The New Year’s greeting card is sent to all active MySurvey.com members. Last year we received so many wonderful photos that instead of picking one, we featured eight photos. Click here to see the greeting card.
We are looking for photos of a landscape or art style of interest or significance to where you live or your lifestyle. Ideas include parks, bridges, natural landscapes, monuments, cityscape etc. We will also accept art or graphic design photos appropriate for the time of year. Please do not submit photos that include people, we will not be able to use those. If your photo is selected we may add some animation such as twinkling lights, stars or snow. We may also share information about you, the photo and your hometown on my blog as well.
If you have a photo to submit, please send it to mycomments@mysurvey.com, with the words “greeting card photo” in the subject line. Be sure to include your username, some information about the photo and why you are submitting it. Photos should be submitted no later than December 10, 2009. If your photo is selected, you will receive bonus MySurvey.com Reward Points!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Over the next few days, many of us will gather around the dinner table and share a traditional Thanksgiving meal with our families, friends, and loved ones. Turkeys will be carved, pies will be consumed … naps-caused-by-overeating will be taken.
And though it may sound like a bit cliché, this really is a day to give pause and reflect on all that we have to be thankful for. With all the chaos and commotion that life can bring, it’s easy to lose sight of the positive things we have in our lives. So whether it’s during the football game, at the dinner table, or right before you doze off into your turkey nap, try and take a moment to appreciate all that you have that’s good in your life. I know for me it certainly helps to put things into perspective.
Having said that, I just want to wish all of you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving this year!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
If you happen to be superstitious, then today will either bring you plenty of good luck --- or enough bad luck to make you want to hole up and hide in a cave. There is at least one Friday the 13th every year, but this year is unusual because there are three. The first occurred in February, the second in March and now today. The occurrence of three will not happen again until 2015.
Most people in Western society know that the number 13 is considered unlucky. Like most folklore, there is no definitive reason for this fear, but this superstition has appeared throughout ancient history and has been attributed to the Norse, the Last Supper and the Knights Templar. Have you ever noticed that many buildings, particularly hotels, do not have a 13th floor? Many cities don’t have a 13th street, a number of airlines skip row 13 all together, and you won’t find a “room 13” in most hospitals. Even President Franklin D. Roosevelt refused to travel on the 13th day of any month.
Similarly, Friday itself is also considered to be unlucky. Historically, it’s bad luck to start a trip or sail a ship on Friday, give birth, move or start a new job. So it makes sense that many cultures have linked Friday and the number 13 to a very unlucky day.
So how about you – is Friday 13th a good or bad luck day for you? Are there any other superstitions that get to you?
Friday, October 30, 2009
I can’t believe that Halloween is only a day away! I truly love Halloween, which might explain why my yard has been flashing strobe lights and pumping out spooky fog every night since late-August (our dry ice bills are through the roof!). It might also explain why I’ve been rocking out to the “Monster Mash” three times a day for the last month. But even among the best of us holiday decorators, sometimes things get overlooked. Like a costume, for example -- I just realized I still don’t have one for this year!
Now, I’ve gone the rental route before, but to tell you the truth I prefer to make my own costumes. And some of my best costume ideas have actually come at the very last minute. So that’s the plan, I’m going to check and see what I already have at home and use my imagination. And you can do the same: if you find yourself stuck for a costume idea, try improvising with what you have around the house. Or maybe head to a local thrift store and see what inspires you.
Another thing that often gets overlooked until the last minute (usually) is carving a pumpkin. For years I found myself carving the same old boring, triangle-eyed jack-o-lantern … that is until I got on the internet and did a little research. Turns out, there are lots of great carving ideas that you yourself can do with a little patience and some guidance (no, really!). And the best part is that most of them are free!
Now, as much fun as Halloween is for adults, it’s really about the kids. To avoid incident, be sure to follow the advice of these safety experts.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Are You Ready For Some Football?
Well, it’s that time of year once again: the leaves are falling, the weather is cool and the smell in the air is unmistakable. Of course, folks, I’m talking about the arrival of football season.
For fans and players alike, the advent of another season brings with it the chance to start anew. It’s a time of hope, a time of optimism … a time when things like “last season was a fluke --- this is our year, baby!” are heard throughout office buildings and drinking establishments alike. It’s a special time of the year, indeed.
For all of the high school players that have been preparing endlessly since the end of last season, the moment of truth has come. The marching bands are beating their drums, the proud parents are on the edge of their seats, the stadium lights of Friday night are aglow … electricity is in the air.
And then, of course, there are the Fantasy Football die-hards. Millions across the country have been waiting with feverish anticipation to see how the upcoming season plays out. Money will change hands, championship trophies will be hoisted … tears will be shed. And all this time you thought Fantasy Football was just a game for nerds!
So whether you’re rooting for your favorite NFL team or your college alma mater, or you’re a player, coach, or general manager (in a Yahoo! league) --- good luck to you this season! And if things go from bad to worse in a hurry, remember: there’s always next year.
Excited about the upcoming season? Share your thoughts and stories with other members like you in the comments section below.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
This is the End…
Well you blinked --- and now summer is almost over. Personally, I cannot believe the last few months went as fast as they did. And yet, here we are, once again, frantically searching for back-to-school sales and trying to squeeze in as much fun in as little time as possible. It sure seems like this happens every year…
But, even though the warm days of summer are numbered, there’s still plenty of time left to have some fun. After all, you can always: go swimming, take a bike ride, check out a local park, play an outdoor game, head to the beach, host your own party, or enjoy something as simple as eating (or making) ice cream. But why stop there?
If you’re into music, be sure to check and see what summer concert tours are rolling through a town near you. Or maybe pack up the car, load a cooler and head to a nearby theme park for a 1-day or weekend getaway (because nothing says “summer” like a 300 foot roller coaster!). If that sounds like too much excitement, consider taking a family camping trip -- there’s no better way to escape the stress and hectic pace of everyday life. You can even have a campout with the kids in your own backyard!
The key here is to get creative and make the most of the time that remains. If, for example, you and your significant other typically eat dinner at a restaurant once a week, perhaps consider heading outdoors and having a romantic picnic instead. And when it comes to family dinner, paper plates and picnic tables are a great substitute for the kitchen table and dishes (and it certainly makes clean-up easier, too!).
To me, summer is about making as many memories as you can. As much as I love some of the other seasons, there’s just something magical about this time of year. So make sure you get out there and enjoy the remaining days of summer and all of its fleeting beauty --- it’ll be gone before you know it. Oh, and be sure to take lots of pictures, too!
Feel free to share your favorite summer memories, stories, and thoughts with other members in the comments section below.
Monday, August 10, 2009
National S’more Day
Wow is it hot here in the mid-west! The “dog days” of summer have arrived. One of my favorite summer activities is to go camping with the family. It’s so enjoyable to get away from our hectic daily routines and enjoy the serenity of nature.
Gathering around the campfire at the end of the day is my favorite part. Of course, you can’t have a campfire without indulging in the traditional campfire treat – S’mores. There are variations on this classic dessert, but all you really need is a Hershey’s chocolate candy bar, graham crackers and a gently toasted jet-puffed marshmallow.
So in honor of National S’more Day, we want to hear your favorite camping, campfire and S’more stories.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I tried and tried, and then I tried some more … but folks, I have to admit, I just couldn’t find a single thing taking place this month that really caught my interest. I’m sorry to say it -- but the month of July is boring! Okay, okay … sure there’s Independence Day, National Hot Dog Month, and a few other ‘National’ events going on this month … plus the weather outside is absolutely gorgeous. But to be honest, I wanted to share something fun with you guys, something exciting … something different (‘Toilet Paper Day’, anyone?). But everywhere I looked, it seemed boredom was staring me right in the face.
And then, when all hope seemed lost, I discovered that July was in fact (drum roll, please…) “Anti-Boredom Month”! The clouds lifted, and suddenly I found myself writing again with purpose. Who would have ever thought that boredom could be so exciting!
The truth is, while it may seem like there’s nothing to do, there is always something you can get into to pass the time. If you feel like staying in, there are plenty of places on the internet to keep you occupied. You can play some free games, read up on fun facts and useless trivia, or maybe “Stumble Upon” some random sites (personally, I love Stumble!). You even can make your own Simpsons or South Park character!
If you have little ones, they’ll love these sites. This is a great way to introduce them to computers (if they haven’t been already):
Sesame Street Games
Fisher-Price.com - Online Learning Games for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers
PBS Kids
Finally, of course, you can always head outside and: go for a walk, ride a bike, fly a kite, swim, play a sport, head to the park, explore nature, etc. The sky’s the limit! Take a look at these sites for more great ideas:
500 Things to Do When Bored
Random History
50 Things to Do When Bored Out Of Your Mind
200+ Summertime Ideas for Bored Kids
Have fun this month!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Road Trip
Well, it’s that time of the year -- and with many people sticking close to home right now, what better way to see America than on a good old fashioned road trip? There’s so much to see out there; US roadsides are full of unique and quirky attractions: famous carousels, amusement parks, drive-in theaters, and much, much more. Some roads and highways, like El Camino Real, Lincoln Highway, The National Road and Route 66, are actually the attractions themselves.
My personal favorites are anything described as being the “World’s Largest...” something. I mean, who wouldn’t want to see a 49-foot-tall Paul Bunyan statue (alongside Babe, his Blue Ox)?
If you are like me, you pile the gear, the family, the dog and whoever else is traveling into the car and hit the road. It doesn’t take long, however, until I’m wistfully looking at all the other travelers in their cozy, state-of-the-art RV’s, motor homes and luxury buses. I find myself amazed at just how far motor homes have come since the original versions hit the road years ago. But oh well … the painful cramping in my legs is worth the money I’m saving on gas mileage. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.
So, how about you -- planning any road trips this summer? Any stories from past road trips that you would like to share? Any unique attractions in your area that might be good for a road trip? Tell us about it!
Monday, June 15, 2009
June 15th is Fly a Kite Day!
Today marks the anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s infamous kite-flying experiment in which he tested out the electrical components of lightning. This notable moment in history is the inspiration for “Fly a Kite Day”.
Kite-flying is an activity that started over 2000 years ago in China. And while kites have been used primarily for fun and artistic expression, they have been used in a variety of other ways throughout history as well. They’ve been featured in parades, for example, and they’ve also found military use during wars. Kites have also been used to relay messages, measure distances, test wind patterns, and hoist men into the air, among other uses. They’ve even been used competitively in the controversial sport known as “kite fighting.”
When most people think of kites, though, they think of the simple enjoyment that comes from flying one. Children especially enjoy flying kites on a warm, windy summer days. Personally speaking, I have very fond memories of going to the nearby park with my family to fly kites when I was a little girl. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that bring us the greatest joy.
You can even make your own kite out of fabric or paper as a family activity. For guides and ideas on how to make and fly kites, check out these sites:
How to Make and Fly Kites - A Complete Guide
Kite Builder Plans
Kites, kite flying and fun!
Are there any other fans of kite-flying out there? Feel free to share your thoughts, favorite stories and ideas with other members in the comments section below.
Happy flying!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Celebrate Summer with a Black Cow
Cold root beer, a tall glass, and a heaping scoop of vanilla ice cream… Some call it a “root beer float”, others know it as an “ice cream soda.” And depending on where you live, you may even refer to it as a “black cow”. But no matter what you name it, there’s one thing that’s undeniable: this tasty beverage is an American classic!
Today is National Black Cow Day, a celebration of one of our favorite frozen treats. So, why not grab a 2-liter of your favorite soda, a quart of vanilla and make your very own? Or better yet, top it off with some whipped cream and Maraschino cherries and indulge a bit! Your taste buds will thank you.
Aside from the root beer float, there are a number of other specialty beverages that’ll keep you cool on a hot summer day. For more information, check out any of the links below. You’re sure to find some great recipes that you and your family will love!
Old-Time Soda Fountain Float Recipes
Shakes & Malts
Malt Recipes
Milk Shake Recipes
Frozen Treat Recipes
Monday, June 8, 2009
More Opportunities to Take Surveys
The most common request I receive from MySurvey.com members is to receive more survey opportunities. A few years ago, as a way to accommodate this request, we began partnering with other survey companies. Lately however, you may have noticed an increase in the number of surveys we are offering for other research companies.
There’s a very good reason for this. In October 2008, the parent company of MySurvey.com, TNS, became part of WPP’s information, insight and consultancy division, The Kantar Group. As our companies merge together, we are finding more ways to use one of our most valuable resources – consumers like you who tell us what products and services you want in the market place!
Naturally, we aim for error free surveys, but problems do occur, especially when starting new programs like this. Please bear with us as we work out some of the remaining “kinks”, but please be sure to alert us to any problems so we can get the surveys fixed.
As always, your participation in any survey is completely voluntary. If you prefer to take only MySurvey.com surveys, simply ignore the invitations for surveys sponsored by our partners. Remember, your privacy is protected and your name, email address, or other personal information will never be shared with the other survey companies without your explicit permission.
I hope you enjoy some of the new survey opportunities we have to offer. We look forward to having fun and exciting survey opportunities in the future!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Man of a Thousand Voices
Today we celebrate the birthday of legendary Hollywood voice-actor Mel Blanc (d.1989). While the name ‘Mel Blanc’ might not necessarily be a household one, it’s almost impossible to be unfamiliar with his work. If, for example, you’ve ever heard a wise-cracking, carrot-munching cartoon rabbit say, “Ehh, what’s up, Doc?” then you know his work. In addition to Bugs Bunny, Mel Blanc provided the signature voices for Woody Woodpecker, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Foghorn Leghorn, Speedy Gonzalez, Yosemite Sam, Marvin the Martian, the Tasmanian Devil, The Flintstones’ Barney Rubble, Tweety Bird and Sylvester, among many, many others. He’s even responsible for the Road Runner’s signature “Meep meep!”
Here are a few other links you might find interesting:
Mel Blanc - Biography
Mel Blanc (Video)
Mel Blanc - How He Created the Voices (Video)
Mel Blanc - Obituary
Cartoons have always been a big favorite in our family, especially the classic Warner Brothers and Hanna-Barbara cartoons of years past. So as I looked for information about Mel Blanc, I was quite delighted to discover that one man was responsible for nearly all of my favorite animated characters. Mr. Blanc left behind an incredible volume of work, one that seems destined to never be surpassed by any other voice actor.
So, how about you? What, if any, are your favorite Mel Blanc-inspired memories? How has his work touched you or your family? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Monday, May 18, 2009
And the Webby Goes to…
I’m sure most of you have heard about the Webby Awards. Similar to the Academy Awards and Grammys, Webbys are awarded to the best of the best on the internet and include commercial and personal websites. There are nearly 70 categories and each category has a Webby Award Winner - chosen by a group of web experts, and People's Voice Award - chosen by the online community.
Some highlights from the 2009 Webby Awards include: Best Branded Content for "The Extreme Sticky Note Experiments”, guggenheim.org for Best Cultural Institution Web Site, NASA won two awards including The Cassini Mission website for Best Science website, Wordle for Best Use of Typography, The Nature Conservancy for Best Charitable Website – the list goes on and on.
My personal favorite of the 2009 Webby Award Winners is Best Personal Blog - 1000 Awesome Things. As of today, this Toronto native is on number Awesome Thing #762. I may not agree with everything on the list, like #977 The smell of gasoline or #903 Picking scabs, but this is a fun read, sure to put a smile on your face.
Take a look full list of Webby Award winners and tell us which one is your favorite.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
This is The End…
When it comes to TV watching, it can be awfully hard to “commit” to a particular show. We’ve all been there before: you see an episode and get hooked, you start tuning in regularly, you can’t wait to find out what happens next … and then one day you have your heart broken when you find out your new favorite show has been axed by network execs that deemed it “wasn’t generating enough ratings.” I couldn’t even tell you how many great shows have fallen victim to cancellation because of demographics and numbers.
There are, however, a few exceptions. Sometimes a show comes along, finds a niche, and shows incredible (and uncommon) staying power. In fact, it was 11 years ago today that the popular sitcom Seinfeld aired its final episode on NBC (after nine hilarious seasons). With over 76 million viewers tuning in, the one hour episode was the third most watched finale of a U.S. television series, behind M*A*S*H in 1983 and Cheers in 1993. Not bad for a show that (according to the show’s creator Larry David) was essentially “about nothing.”
There are a number of other shows that have been fortunate enough to give their audience a final sendoff before fading into the oblivion of syndicated television. Some left their fans with a bit of closure (Friends), while others still have people scratching their heads (The Sopranos). So, with that: what TV show’s series finale was your favorite? What was your most disappointing? Let us know in the comments section, we’d love to hear what you think.
Want to read more? These websites provide more than enough information about series finales.
A Finale Exam of Classic Sitcoms
Most Expensive Sitcom Finales
TV Series Finale
Best Series Finales
Swan Songs: The Best & Worst TV Series Finales
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Making Every Day Earth Day
Happy Earth Day! Earth Day was created in 1970 as a way to bring awareness to the modern environmental movement. The beginnings were not without controversy, but it was successful and each year we see progress toward a cleaner environment.
It’s great to read and hear about all the ways businesses are celebrating Earth Day. This year, Accor Hotels will be planting trees and dimming lights, Pepin Heart Hospital in Tampa, FL will be powered for 24 hours by renewable energy supplied by Tampa Electric Co., and Disney will release earth, a feature length film in the Disneynature series. Some businesses are even hosting Earth Day giveaways to help encourage sustainable living.
More inspiring are the business’ striving for sustainable practices every day. The ZERI Foundation started a program 15 years ago to grow mushrooms using waste from coffee farms, Frito-Lay is creating a fully compostable snack chip bag made from plant-based materials and the U.S. House of Representatives has replaced plastic water bottles sold in its cafeterias with compostable bottles.
As more businesses adapt their practices and products, it becomes easier for consumers like us to practice green living. I’ve already noticed a difference in the packaging used by companies that ship products through the mail. More cardboard and paper, and less bubble wrap and foam peanuts. But I’m still waiting for reduced packaging overall and the end of plastic clamshell cases. Other noticeable improvements are the options for household cleaning supplies and building materials. Be wary of greenwashing though, it’s on the rise.
As Mysurvey.com members, you have a unique opportunity to do more than the average recycler, businesses are looking to Mysurvey.com members for feedback on products and services.
Do you think the efforts by these companies are making it easier for you to practice sustainable living? What else could they do to make it easier for consumers? Tell us what you think!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
A Renaissance Life
Today we celebrate the birth of a genius and true Renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452). Everyone knows that da Vinci was most famous for his paintings of the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. However, his interests were very broad and also included architecture, mechanics and anatomy. While working on this blog post, I got into a discussion with a colleague about da Vinci’s many contributions and accomplishments.
Like many people, I consider da Vinci a true genius who made stunning advancements in architecture, mechanics and anatomy. As a scientist he is revered for his technological ingenuity - his primitive designs included conceptualizations of a helicopter, tank, calculator and a canon. He is also responsible for early theories on both concentrated solar power and plate tectonics.
However, my colleague is far more skeptical about history in general. While we agree that da Vinci was a genius as evidenced in his verified drawings, the lack of documentation or record of any sculptures, buildings or mechanical devices leaves his accomplishments open for discussion.
This is true for many historical events and facts. The records that do exist are based on interpretation of the authors and those involved in the events. While that can be frustrating, it gives us the opportunity to look at history from different perspectives and angles.
My colleague and I had a great discussion about this and would love to hear what you think. Here are some links with more information about da Vinci. We hope you enjoy this as much as we have!
Web Gallery of Art - Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci - The Man & the Inventor
Ten Facts About: Leonardo Da Vinci
The Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci
Friday, March 27, 2009
It’s National Nutrition Month
For many of us, eating healthy can be a real challenge -- especially when there’s a fast-food restaurant on almost every corner you see. But in actuality, eating better isn’t as hard as you think. With a little discipline, some good information, and a solid plan, you can find the right balance. So whether you’ve strayed from the path of your New Year’s diet plans or you’re just looking to eat better overall, March is National Nutrition Month -- which means that now is a great time to learn all about the benefits of eating a balanced and reasonably-portioned diet.
I’ve put together a list of helpful links on nutrition (below), but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. You can find an incredible amount of information out there: at your local library, from a doctor or nutritionist, on the Internet, or through a support system like Weight Watchers.
NNM National Nutrition Month
Nutrition Explorations: Kids
If you have any stories of inspiration or success in your quest to eating healthier, feel free to share them with other members in our comments section. We’d love to hear from you!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Goodbye Winter
Spring arrives tomorrow, but more importantly, today is the last official day of winter! While I enjoy the change of season, winter is by far my least favorite season. I’m never unhappy to see it go.
I’m starting to see signs of life in my yard - the tulips and crocuses and other spring bulbs are popping up through the ground. Now is a great time for some yard clean up and general lawn maintenance. If you are a gardener, it’s never too early to start planning your flower and/or vegetable gardens.
Like me, I know many of you are bird lovers and enjoy the return of robins and other migratory birds. The Mission of San Juan Capistrano has long been known for it’s annual festival heralding the return of the Cliff Swallows.
Another sign that warm weather is here, spring training is well under way and opening day (or night) is just around the corner.
And if none of these signs of spring interest you, there’s a new line of spring and summer fashion featuring bright colors and bold prints. Many designers, department stores and mass merchants understand that consumers looking for affordable, budget minded clothing.
So tell us, what is it you are looking forward to the most this spring?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Today, people everywhere will don their greenest clothing and celebrate the feast day of St. Patrick, one of the patron saints of Ireland. It’s a holiday filled with traditions, customs and rich history, one that dates as far back as 1761.
On this day, cities both large and small will host their annual St. Patrick’s Day parades, Chicago will dye its river green (as they have since 1961), and millions of pounds of corned beef and cabbage will be consumed (not to mention all that green beer). And it doesn’t matter if you’re Irish or not, because as the saying goes: on St. Patrick’s Day everyone’s Irish!
Personally, my favorite thing about St. Patty’s Day is all the great food. I’ve included a few links to some great Irish recipes below:
St. Patrick's Day Recipes
Recipes: Food Network
St. Patrick’s Day Recipes - RecipeZaar
How do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day where you live? Do you have any special traditions or customs? If so, be sure to tell us about it!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Today we celebrate what would have been the 105th birthday of Theodor Geisel, more commonly known as Dr. Seuss. It’s difficult to put into words the impact Dr. Seuss has had on children and adults around the world. His creativity and imagination helped children learn how to read, count and rhyme. He expanded our world and more often then not, made us think.
Although I’ve enjoyed all his work, my personal favorite is The Sneetches. I’m most partial to the Dr. Seuss stories that assumed an underlying social theme or message. It’s impossible to ignore the message Dr. Seuss was sending so many years ago when he wrote and published The Lorax.
There are many, many Dr. Seuss resources online, here’s a few to check out:
Art of Dr. Seuss
Green Eggs and Ham: Recipes
Dr Seuss' Lorax's plea: Stop cutting trees! - USATODAY.com
I know you all have a favorite Dr. Seuss story that you would like to share. Please tell us about it!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Happy Birthday to Carol’s Blog!
Nearly one year ago today, I posted my first blog post to Carol’s Blog. Interestingly, because 2008 was a leap year and the first post was on February 29th, maybe I can’t officially have an anniversary for 3 more years – but I figure today was close enough! I’ve had a lot of fun over the last year writing for such a wonderful audience. It’s been very interesting to read the comments that you post, so keep them coming – you guys have been great! So, I thought I’d take look back through all of the posts from the last year (all 60 of them) and choose what I think were the Top 10 Posts. Drum roll, please: Thanks again to everyone who commented on this blog over the past year or anyone who took the time to read them – it’s been a lot of fun!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
For the Birds
In 1994, Congress proclaimed February to be National Bird Feeding Month. This observance was established because wintertime is one of the most difficult periods in much of the U.S. for birds to survive in the wild. Birds spend the majority of their waking hours searching for food, and may use up 10-15% of their total body weight in an effort to stay warm overnight. So providing birdseed on a regular basis may give our feathered friends that needed extra food to survive.Feeding wild birds in your backyard is an easy and inexpensive hobby to start. It’s a great way to relieve stress and wintertime boredom, plus it’s something that the entire family will enjoy -- especially children. I, for one, love the liveliness and splash of color the birds add to our yard with their presence. Just watching them through my window definitely brightens up my day.
For more details on how to get started, take a look at any of the links I’ve provided (below). Or, you can visit your local hardware store and ask them for information; they should be able to tell you what type of seed you need for the birds indigenous to your particular area.
Wild Bird Centers of America
February is Bird Feeding Month
Project Feeder Watch
It's So Easy to Garden for Wildlife
Wild Bird Food
So, are there any bird-lovers out there? Do any of you feed the birds in your backyard?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Happy Anniversary G.I. Joe!
This month celebrates the 45th anniversary of one of America’s favorite toys: the G.I. Joe action figure. Originally introduced by Hasbro in 1964 as the first mass-market doll for boys, G.I. Joes have displayed some incredible staying-power (not an easy accomplishment in the toy industry), spawning a number of animated TV shows and films, comics, video games and other merchandise along the way. There’s also a live-action movie set to be released this year!
One bit of trivia that I found interesting was that the figure’s name came actually from an Academy Award-nominated film called The Story of G.I. Joe (1945), starring Robert Mitchum and Burgess Meredith. I was also amazed to discover just how many G.I. Joe collectors and fans there are all over the world. For more on the history of this beloved action figure, check out some of these links I’ve included:
GI Joe Official Site
The Official G.I. Joe Collectors' Club!
The Ultimate Collection of G.I. Joe Websites
Yo Joe!
GI Joe Adventure Team Page
While I myself don’t have much experience playing with G.I. Joes, I can say I’m rather familiar with them. I can recall (on a number of occasions) finding the boys in our family playing under a front porch or digging in the dirt around a tree, acting out battles and Recon Missions with their beloved action figures. They always looked like they were having so much fun!
So how about you guys? Any G.I. Joe stories or memories you’d like to share? If so, feel free to respond in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
When I think Valentine's Day, I think - chocolate! Yes, I know Valentine's Day is really about showing your love to those you care about, but with the abundance of chocolate this time of year, I just can’t help myself. Turns out, chocolate is good for your health.
Chocolate has been around for centuries with the Mesoamerican cultures of Mexico and Central America making cacao beans into a drink. However, it was the Europeans who began making chocolate into something more edible by adding sugar. It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that chocolate became mass produced and affordable for everyone.
Here’s some more information about the history of chocolate, recipes and fun events:
Cocoa and Chocolate Timeline
Godiva Chocolate Recipes
Food Network Chocolate Recipes
Chocolate Covered February in Hershey PA
How about you – are you a chocolate lover like me? Tell us about it!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Keeping Active This Winter
Unless you live in a warmer region of the U.S., chances are you’re finding yourself cooped-up and bored from the confines of the cold winter season. I know I’m ready for warmer weather myself, but until spring comes I find that staying busy is a great way to beat the wintertime blues. One thing we do in my house when it’s cold outside is play a lot of board games (Monopoly and Scrabble are our favorites). Not only does it help to relieve some of the tedium from being indoors, I find that it’s also a great way to spend some time together as a family.
Aside from board games, there are a number of things you can do to help keep the cold weather boredom to a minimum. Watching movies, exercising, working on crafts, or even cooking up a special meal are all great ways to stay busy. We’ve included some links (below) if you need more suggestions. Take a look and be sure to let us know what you think.
FamilyCorner.com - Indoor Activities & Fun
Indoor Activities For Kids During Winter
Winter Boredom Busters Disney Family.com
DLTK's Winter Activities for Kids
Card Games
In the meantime, what kinds of things do you do this time of year to keep active? Feel free to share your suggestions, tips and ideas with other members in the comments section below.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Start the New Year Right -- by Getting Organized
Well, we’re off and running in 2009 – I hope you guys are still sticking to those New Year’s resolutions! You know, aside from making changes to the way we eat, increasing how much we exercise, or giving up bad habits, another common resolution for a new year is to get more organized. Most experts agree that getting rid of clutter is a great way to get rid of unwanted stress -- something I’m sure we could all benefit from.
While getting organized may seem like a daunting task to some, it isn’t nearly as difficult as you think – the hard part is getting started. The best approach to getting organized is to start small and only take on one thing at a time. Personally, I’ve found that it’s also easier to work from a list; otherwise I think I’d get too overwhelmed to accomplish anything. With a plan, a little perseverance and some determination, you can become more organized.
Get Organized Month
Organization - HGTV.com
Online Organizing
Another thing you can do this month is clean up your home computer (*Note: ALWAYS be sure to back up your files first before you do anything). You’ll be amazed at how much faster your computer will operate, which will save you loads of time later on.
So how about you guys? How do you stay organized? Feel free to share your thoughts, tips or stories with other members in the comments section below. Happy organizing!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy New Year!
I hope the New Year has started out well for everyone. I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the MySurvey.com members who submitted photos for the annual New Year’s greeting card. We received almost 200 photos, each one beautiful and unique - it was very difficult for us to select just one photo. I think you will all be pleasantly surprised when it arrives in your inbox this week.
I would also like to thank everyone for their participation in 2008. Throughout 2008, our members participated in thousands of surveys and provided opinions to our clients about hundreds of products and services. In doing so, members earned millions of reward points and more than 800 million reward points were redeemed - or the equivalent of over 8 million dollars. This included reward points redeemed for charity donations, and merchandise as well as for cash.
We thank all of you for your past participation and look forward to a successful 2009!